DWCS Test Programs

dwcs_execute and cache_test are two useful programs for testing the DWCS scheduler and cache feedback loop. dwcs_execute executes any program as a DWCS real-time process, then prints the /proc/dwcs/info file upon completion. cache_test is a test program specifically designed to generate a specified number of cache hits/misses on the Intel XScale PXA255 processor.

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dwcs_execute <period> <x> <y> <time> <program> [<arg1> [<arg2> [...]]]

period, x, y, and time are the requested service constraints for the real-time process. program and args determine the program to execute.

Note: dwcs_execute requires the WDONTREAP modification included in my patch file.


cache_test <iterations> <miss_rate*1024>

iterations is the number of memory accesses to perform. miss_rate*1024 is the ratio of memory accesses that should generate cache misses. A value of 0 will generate 100% cache hits, while a value of 1024 will generate 100% cache misses.

Last Modified: 8/20/04 by lcs@cc
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